Optimism Cards ©


Personal Story

As a writer, I explored my recovery from brain and physical trauma through words and connected them to my emotions as they related to my physical and mental understandings.

As a photographer, once I became mobile again, I began to shoot pictures that captured my emotions and represented my deep connection to the environment.

I began to see connections to what I saw in the world, what I photographed and how those photographs were reflected back at me in the choices I made and the images I captured -or- rather captured me!

The cards have four elements in them that are integrated into their structure: their visual appeal, their contemplative attributes that are intended to speak to the heart, mind, body and soul, and their design. The fourth element, and perhaps the least obvious ingredient in the cards is how our awareness of personal health is often reflected in, and linked to, the health of the planet and/or our immediate environment.

I used optimism as a perspective, to allow our subconscious mind to create a new way to address our overall personal and
planetary health and wellness.

With these intentions, it is my hope that as we use the cards as augurs of change and contemplation we will also witness
in the daily choices we make for ourselves and the planet.